MSI has launched the Modern 15 B11M-061IN Laptop, an affordable, under Rs 50,000 16GB ram laptop in India online. It costs ₹45,990 ( Deal of the Day Price on July 27, 2023 ). The MRP list price is ₹67,990. At the time of the writing, has listed this model for purchase, currently sold by Appario Retail Private Ltd seller.
MSI Modern 15 B11M-061IN is a general-purpose laptop powered by 11th Generation Intel Core i5-1155G7 quad-core processor which has a max turbo boost clock of 4.50Ghz. For graphics, it uses Intel UHD Graphics. It comes with 16GB of ram memory ( DDR4 Onboard Dual Channel RAM ) and 512GB SSD storage ( NVMe PCIe Gen3x4 SSD ).
The display on the MSI Modern 15 B11M-061IN is a 15.6-inch Full HD screen with an IPS-Level panel. It supports a 60hz refresh rate and covers a 45% NTSC color gamut. This laptop ships with Windows 11 Home operating system. It comes in a Classic Black color and weighs 1.7 kg. When it comes to wireless connectivity, it supports WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.2.
MSI Modern 15 B12M-612IN is another under Rs 50,000 16GB ram laptop recently launched in the market. It is powered by a 12th Gen Intel Core i3 processor and costs ₹42,990 ( Deal of the Day price ). It is also available to purchase from
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