Dell has once again set the bar high with its latest addition to the XPS laptop lineup, the XPS 13 9345 CoPilot+ PC. This cutting-edge series introduces a new era of productivity and user experience, seamlessly integrating on-device AI capabilities powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon X1 Elite processor. Performance Engineered for Excellence At its core lies the Qualcomm Snapdragon X1 Elite processor, boasting a revolutionary 12-core architecture with Dual-Core Boost technology that scales up to an impressive 4.0 GHz. This powerhouse is further complemented by the Qualcomm NPU, delivering up to 45 TOPS (Trillion Operations Per Second), ensuring lightning-fast AI …
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Introducing Copilot+ PCs: The Future of Windows Computing is Here
The world of Windows PCs is about to change forever. Get ready to meet Copilot+ PCs, the fastest, smartest, and most secure Windows devices ever created. What Makes Copilot+ PCs Different? The Power of AI, On Your Device Microsoft has completely reimagined the PC architecture to put AI at its core. This isn’t just about cloud-based AI – Copilot+ PCs have dedicated hardware for AI processing, making them incredibly efficient and responsive. The Windows You Love, Supercharged With Copilot+ PCs, Windows 11 is faster and more secure than ever. Plus, you get access to a vast library of native Arm64 …
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